Benefits of Membership in Fiber Artists of San Antonio:
Monthly gatherings include expert guest speakers, fellowship, workshops and more
Presentations and workshops are by nationally renown fiber artists or member-presented programs where artwork or unique techniques are shared
Meeting opportunities twice a month allow participation by members who work during the week (SPUTNIK group meets on a Sunday afternoon)
Access to our members-only mailing list to receive (and contribute) regular updates about about local arts events and opportunities
Access, through FASA’s Affiliate Membership, to Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) members-only resources such as the SAQA Quarterly Journal, Webinar Recordings, Portfolios for download, and Juried Artists Galleries.
Discounted art entry fees for the FASA Annual Show and the FASA Fashion Show
Opportunity to submit entries to the popular members-only Storylines exhibit
Subscription to the FASA monthly newsletter
Access to the membership online email group
Study groups and mentoring
Participation in the annual Cobweb Sale
Networking with other fiber enthusiasts
An opportunity to help others learn during monthly Show & Tell